Hey there! Alyssa Pittner here, I’m so excited that you’ve stumbled across Mad About Madeleines, formerly known as my blog site Life Is Homemade! First off I’d like to say thanks for visiting! Life Is Homemade was really a mixture of me but now that I’ve curated enough unique madeleine recipes as blog posts I have decided to sell my unique madeleines as well. You know the saying, “As one door closes another one opens.” well that is what I have started here with Mad About Madeleines. I hope you enjoyed my blog posts but I will not be writing anymore at the moment, but you’ll notice you can still see my old posts under the life is homemade blog section. Please stick around and come on this new adventure with me!

Why do I love to bake? When I was a kid my mom baked ALL the time. Around Christmas time she used to make about 2000 or so cookies, 12 different kinds might I add. As I got older I learned a lot from watching her and started doing my own thing. I absolutely love love love to bake, besides being creative my biggest hobby was definitely baking. Through my blogging journey, I created a good amount of unique madeleine recipes which I have now turned into Mad About Madeleines. I love to mess around and come up with different flavors, plus they are super pretty, I mean who doesn’t like a mini pretty cake-like cookie!
A little more on myself. I am a New Jersey-raised girl living in South Florida. I’ve been married to my soulmate Richie Pittner since 2013. Richie is kinda my opposite but we are an amazing match, he is super sporty and loves to go out, and me? Well, I am a crazy homebody germaphobe that loves to bake, be creative keep my house clean and basically Netflix and chill. So we ended up in Florida because I went to college down here, my family is here and well mainly sinus infections are horrible. Anyways my background is in graphic design. I love being creative, I even made all of my own paper goods for my wedding. I have to be honest I have always struggled in the workforce, luckily my parents have always been supportive and of course my husband as well but it’s always been hard for me to work in a job I dislike. I actually never was able to find a job for graphic design out of college so I had some receptionist jobs up until 2019. At that point I actually found a job I was good at and really did like but once the pandemic hit I lost that job. I then had the time to create my blog during the COVID-19 outbreak of 2020. After hubby and I moved into a new home I tried to find work again as the blog was fun it wasn’t making money, and that’s when I finally made Mad About Madeleines happen! I’ve worked hard to create fun and unique flavors and I continue to create more. Currently, you can find my Madeleiens locally in Juno Beach Florida at Ter Marsch Groves citrus shop. Soon I hope to start shipping, so as I said stick around and you can order some from where ever you are in USA!