1 1/2Cups2% Milkor Almond Milk for Vegan/Dairy Free
1/2CupHeavy Creamor Silk Heavy Cream for Vegan/Dairy Free
1/4CupStrong Coffee or Espresso
1Tbsp Butteror Coconut Oil for Vegan/Dairy Free
1TspVanilla Extract
In a large glass bowl combine the dry ingredients with a whisk. Try to get whisk away all the lumps.
Wisk in milk, cream, and coffee slowly. Give it a good whisk so you won’t have lumps.
Cook on high power 4-5min until thickened, whisking every 2 mins. Check to see how thick it is by the 4 min mark if it’s not coating the back of a spoon continue microwaving on high for one more min checking after 30 seconds and whisking after every 30 seconds. It’s thick enough when it coats the back of the spoon and looks like the texture of heavy cream.
Next with your whisk combine the vanilla extract chocolate and butter into the hot milk sugar mixture. Pour into ramekins, all right container, pie shell cover, and refrigerate until ready to serve about 2 hours.
Do not overcook this or you will have a much thicker pudding and not as creamy.If you decide to make this and do not want the full amount you can easily half the ingredients and cook in the microwave for half of the time.For the vegan/dairy free version it may cook slightly faster so keep a very close eye on it.If you cannot not use ramikens this recipe makes 2.5 cups of pudding.
Keyword Chocolate Pudding, dessert, easy, From scratch, homemade, one bowl